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#Whiteboard #Architecture #Beginner

Continuous Improvement Whiteboard

Continuous Improvement Whiteboard template is a tool to develop with your team. It usually has 4 stages: plan, do, check, and act. It automatically generates into a sustainable routine. That's why we also call it the PDCA cycle.

The PDCA cycle is designed to be an iterative, repeatable process. It can be used and reapplied as many times as necessary to address a problem. Because PDCA encourages continuous improvement, your company may have a major competitive edge over companies in your industry who are happy to keep things as they are.

Another important benefit of the PDCA cycle is risk minimization. The cycle is designed to recognize issues and mistakes as they arise, evaluate them, test remedies, and repeat as necessary.

Now, apply this template to start your journey!

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Built in 2022-12-12 13:46:46


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