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#Project #Personal #Intermediate

Time Effort Planner

Use this template to increase efficiency by grouping various jobs into distinct timed buckets.

Template Configuration

Task status


Plan to do

In process




Task type


Project components


Template Details

It is true that you cannot consistently maintain the same levels of productivity, but there is plenty you can do to manage your duties more effectively.

Why use this template?

You know everyone gets the same 24 hours every day. It could, however, appear sometimes that some of your employees and pals find a few more hours each day. Although it is untrue, it can appear that way if they organize their time and efforts far better than the rest.

You won’t have ever understood time as you will with Tracup. By keeping you away from distractions, it helps you remain productive and regain your focus. Tracup offers you a better way to work by facilitating efficient planning and execution.
Scheduling tasks and keeping track of them has never been simpler. Scheduling is easy and clear using Tracup.
Keep track of the projects your team works on during the day. With a straightforward and visible surface, Tracup makes it easy to keep track of everyday activity. The template lists the tasks that were finished and the day’s leftovers.

Here are some tips for using this template

We have created some status of tasks you might use,like “Plan to do” or “In process.” Put your missions under each suitable categories. Besides that, if you want to view tasks in time period groups, easily change settings from top right says “Group by: task status” to “task types.” This would make all tasks group by time periods such as “1day” or “10mins.” Once you create a specialized time effort planner template, you would distinguish what duty is short and easily solved. What jobs are taking more time than others. Then you can allocate your energy and focus to those significant work.

Tracup has already built a simple form that includes various examples. You can also add more customized reasons by using our custom fields feature.

Custom Field can be shown: Expire Date, Priority, Type, Assignee
Task Type [10mins] [1hr] [1day] [1week] [Not Sure]
Custom Field: 0
Task View: List, Board, Table


Custom fields, task types, task status, etc. In the template can be customized, and you can adjust them according to the corresponding scene.

Ask for help:

If you have problems during the use of the template, please contact the Tracup team.

Other Info

Built in 2022-09-28 18:26:14


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