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#Project #Sales & CRM #Advanced

Competitor Analysis

Use this template to make comparisons among competitors. List their advantages and disadvantages. Then find your superorities.

Template Configuration

Task status


Our Product





Task type


Custom field

Market Share (%)

Price ($)

Template Details

When you launched your product, you must know who your competitors are and what their advantages are. Use this template to create a clear contrast and comparison chart.

Why use this template?

Knowing your market and your competitors is essential for running business. A crucial component of developing your successful product is gathering information about the market’s gaps, current trends, competitive advantages, and advantages and disadvantages of competing products and services. And your business will find it much simpler in this situation if you use a suitable template for your market research and competitive analysis. The Tracup Competitive Analysis Template is the ideal tool for gathering and monitoring market data while you do a firm competitive analysis.

Information collected in one place
Gathering all the data in one location is essential because your company may have several rivals. With the help of the Tracup Competitive Analysis template, you can keep track of all the pertinent data for each rival, whether they are businesses, products, or other influencing factors that you consider competitors.

Recognizing the market environment
You may keep track of your understanding of the market environment with the Tracup Competitive Analysis template, which is crucial for deciding your company’s marketing and product strategy. Finding the market’s current trends and gaps may be done with the aid of the competitors. A comparative pricing analysis template is essential to recording this data. Another crucial aspect of tracking is the price point that each competitor offers.

Differentiating a brand
You may utilize the market research you’ve obtained using a competitive advantage analysis template to identify the main point of distinction your product provides. Utilize the Tracup Competitive Analysis template to keep track of all the information about your rivals and utilize that data to get market insights. The primary aspects of your product and your marketing approach may then be developed using this information.

How to use this template

  • Create your product information under “Our product” category.
  • Set several competitors under “Competitor.”
  • Fill in “Price” and “Market Share” for both your product and competitor.
  • List every advantage and disadvantage of your product and competitor by using subtasks. Tag them.
  • Make comparison and contact, see what you can do to improve strength.
  • Tracup team has already created an example of cell phones to inspire you. Easy delete them and edit yours under this template.

Think about these question after you created your own templates.

  1. What can we learn about our rivals?
  2. Why do we think competitors are ranked highly?
  3. What might we do that our rivals aren’t doing to our advantage?
  4. That are the rivals who are most noticeable? Can you tell the difference between “conventional competitors” and “SEO competitors”?
  5. Do they perform effectively in terms of informational or transactional aspects? or both?
  6. Are competitors raising awareness of their brands?
Custom Field can be shown: Type, Price, Market Share
Task Type [Android] [IOS] [Others] [Advantage] [Disadvantage]
Custom Field: Price, Market Share
Task View: List, Board


Custom fields, task types, task status, etc. In the template can be customized, and you can adjust them according to the corresponding scene.

Ask for help:

If you have problems during the use of the template, please contact the Tracup team.


Tompkins, C. (2022, April 14). Council post: 3 reasons why a competitive analysis is essential. Forbes. Retrieved October 12, 2022, from

White, C. (2022, August 18). What’s a competitive analysis & how do you conduct one? HubSpot Blog. Retrieved October 12, 2022, from

Other Info

Built in 2022-10-12 18:27:42


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